Team & Staff

We have concept of staff & team to make team collaboration intuitive & productive at the same time.

Go here :

From staff management screen, you have the ability to add an individual staff member as well as a team.

Primary Fields while creating a staff being:

  1. Role type
    1. Agent
    2. Admin
    3. Team manager
  2. Name
  3. Email Id

We work on concept of RBAC(Role based access control), a method of restricting access based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. RBAC ensures employees access only information they need to do their jobs and prevents them from accessing information that doesn't pertain to them.

Please reach out to [email protected] to know more about roles & access controls and configure it for your store if required.

Teams can be added from “Teams” tab of staff management



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Assignment logic

Keeping agent efficiency in mind, we have “Assignment Logic” functionality( under settings to help you derive maximum output from your agents.

Configure Assignment logic 🆕


  1. Types of assignment logic
    1. Unassigned
      1. All tickets flow into one ticket list called unassigned, from where individual agents can assign tickets to themselves upon reply.
    2. Round robin
      1. Assign to only live agents
    3. Label/context based assignment setup
      1. Conversation based assignment logic can also be configured via keywords recognition to ensure agent efficiency
      2. To configure this please reach out at [email protected]