Segments help you group similar customers together based on their previous interactions with your brand, so that you can customise the messaging of campaign to maximise engagement.

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Types of segments available

Bik Smart segments

You’ll find an array of ready-to-use customer segments in the ‘Segments’ section of the ‘Customers’ tab. We have curated a list of segments based on your customers’ behaviour to help you identify the most suitable set of customers for your next campaign!


Here is the complete list of ready-to-use smart segments you’ll find on your dashboard:

Segment name Segment description
Champions Recent buyers who make frequent purchases and contribute significantly to revenue.
Loyal customers Recent and frequent buyers with lower overall monetary value. Responsive to promotions.
Potential loyalists Recent buyers who spend significantly but haven't established a pattern of frequent purchases yet.
New customers Recent buyers who haven't made frequent purchases and have a relatively low monetary value.
Promising customers Customers who have made frequent purchases and spent a lot but haven't engaged recently.
Need attention Customers showing signs of reduced engagement or spending compared to their historical behavior.
About to sleep Customers who have been actively engaged but are displaying signs of reduced activity or spending.
At risk customers Customers who used to make frequent and low-value purchases but haven't engaged recently.
Can’t lose them Infrequent buyers who, when they do purchase, spend a significant amount
Hibernating customers Infrequent buyers with low monetary value who haven't engaged recently.
Lost customers Customers who were once active but haven't engaged or made a purchase in a considerable period.
Repeat customers Customers who have purchased more than twice from your store
High spending customers Customers who have spent more than 1,000 on your store across their lifetime
All buyers Customers who have placed at least one order from your store
Engaged subscribers Customers who have either clicked on or replied to your messages at least three times in the last 60 days
All subscribers All customers who are reachable on at least one messaging channel
All whatsapp subscribers All customers who are reachable on WhatsApp
All SMS subscribers All customers who are reachable on SMS
All email subscribers All customers who are reachable on email
Subscribers in last 30 days New reachable customers acquired in the last 30 days
All subscribers but not purchased All customers who are reachable on at least one messaging channel but have never placed an order
Widget leads (7 days) Customers acquired from acquisition Popups in the last 7 days who did not place any order
Widget buyers (30 days) Customers acquired from acquisition Popups in the last 30 days who also placed an order
Widget subscribers (30 days) Customers acquired from acquisition Popups in the last 30 days who did not place any order.
CTWA leads (7 days) Customers acquired from CTW ads in the last 7 days who did not place any order.
CTWA buyers (7 days) Customers acquired from CTW ads in the last 7 days who also placed an order.
Visitors who did not purchase Customers who visited your website at least once in the last 30 days but didn't place an order
Product viewed but not bought Customers who viewed a product page at least once in the last 30 days but didn't place an order
Unsubscribed (opted-out) customers All customers who have opted-out from receiving promotional updates on any messaging channel
Top customers Intelligently selected customers who are most likely to purchase from the store (based on their earlier purchase behaviour)
Inactive customers Customers who have purchased from your store earlier but have not placed any orders in the last 45 days
Abandoned cart Customers who have added items to the cart but have not made a purchase
All customers List of all your customers

<aside> 💡 The RFM categorisation is done for all your customers based on the history of orders synced with Bik. Please verify that your entire order history is synced with Bik to ensure that the RFM categorisation is done accurately.


Segments using segment builder

You can define your own conditions based on customer behaviour & attributes to create a segment which meets your requirements. You can use any of the below to create your own segment:


  1. Customer events & event properties

  2. User properties

    1. You can also leverage your customers' RFM category as a powerful filter while creating custom filter-based segments. While creating custom segments based on user properties, select RFM category and choose the RFM categories you want to target.


  3. Existing segments

Segments using Excel upload